The Team
Qualified, real world…wise and curious

The Apana Team is led by Managing Director Linda Doe.
Linda leads the consultation process with your organisation and works with a team of Associates.
Your needs will be matched with Associates and qualified Coaches who are best placed to support the outcomes within your business.
Apana works also in strategic partnership with individuals and tools from our close network of experts, known for their track record and specialism and trusted by us to meet your needs.
Linda provides strategic continuity and consistency of diagnostic analysis and direction as you work with Apana.
Meet the team:

Linda Doe
Managing Director, Apana
BSc Psychology, MSc Occupational Psychology, C Psychol (BPS), Occupational Psychologist (HPC), Associate Fellow (AFBPS), Expert Witness (BPS) State Registered Practitioner Psychologist (HCPC), MIoD
A professional Psychologist at heart, Linda is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society.
She is on the BPS Register of Expert Witnesses and has provided assessment and opinion in relation to workplace stress and mental health. Linda has a professional interest in male mental health and creating male friendly therapeutic interventions and is an advocate for disability accommodation and inclusion.
Linda encourages businesses to work proactively to promote well-being and mental health, to support individuals, relationships and teams which ultimately makes good business sense.
Prior to becoming a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Linda had several years of hands-on experience of management, people and disability service development, which grounds her work with a practical, real world focus. Her career in psychology began in clinical settings.
You might find Linda speaking at conferences and she is a co-founder of the Association of Psychologists on Boards (APOB): A multi-disciplinary group founded to support more Psychologists into Boardroom positions, and to use Psychology to facilitate greater inclusion and diversity within Boards, to share Psychological knowledge, experience and perspectives and to thereby enable more effective Boards.
In recent years Linda has been a critical friend and consultant to Boards, senior leaders and partners. Recent projects include succession planning at Board level; specialist application of personality assessment and relationship dynamics; people strategy in order for Boards to meet people aspects of the corporate governance code.
Linda is qualified also as a teacher of yoga and meditation, which grounds her professional work and provides peace in a busy life and work world. She is an accomplished musician and a mum to two inspiring young people.

Katherine Powell
Coaching & Leadership
B.Sc, Psychology, PGCE, Fellow ISQC, Transactional Analysis Practitioner
A highly experienced Executive Leadership Coach, Well-Being Coach and Psychologist with over 18 years of experience coaching senior executives across a range of commercial, corporate and public sector organisations. As a former senior executive herself, Katherine has first-hand experience of the challenges leaders at senior level face.
Katherine began her career in commercial learning and development supporting leaders into business.
Ten years ago, Katherine became a director and Vice-CEO of a charitable organisation, highlighted by the Government as being in the top 5% highest performing organisations in its field.
Katherine’s portfolio of expertise includes change management, business improvement strategy, learning and development, facilities management, corporate governance and human resources.
Katherine has held numerous positions on boards, advising, guiding and challenging organisational improvement and success.
She also is a jazz singer, bringing an added dimension to her talents.

Rob Allen
Leadership Coaching & Teams
BSc MBA; Certified Coach ; Euro Test User Certificate (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations); Ability, Occupation & Personality Test User (BPS); Associate Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA)
An experienced and qualified Executive Coach with over 15 years Board level experience. Rob has good understanding of the challenges and pressures on leaders and fathers, having been a Director in International Businesses, coached Executives in highly commercial environments and he is a father of two boys.
Before becoming an Executive and Team Coach in 2012 he spent over 25 years in the Financial Services Industry in a variety of Finance, Project and Business Roles including CFO , Strategy Director, Country Manager and Project Director.
These roles have involved Rob living in Hungary, Japan, Russia and Czechia and being on the Boards of companies in Italy, Germany, Spain and Slovakia where he embraced the challenge and uncertainty that comes from working in a different environment and culture.
Whether as a CFO, Management Consultant or a Project Director in banking and insurance, Rob has always enjoyed being involved with change and in particular how to engage and motivate people with the changes you desire. It was this interest in the People aspect of business that led him to change career direction when the opportunity arose.

Annabel Poate-Joyner
Clinical Psychologist and Leadership Coach
BSc Experimental Psychology, MSc Clinical Psychology; Clinical Psychologist (HCPC), Chartered Psychologist (BPS) ; Associate Fellow (AFBPS), Bond Solon Expert Witness
Annabel works with Senior Leaders and Boards to achieve great leadership and boost engagement and confidence and to get the very best in performance and productivity. She offers a unique combination of mental health, coaching and Board level experience.
She knows that good and authentic Leadership comes from the top and filters down so it is vital to create an open, transparent, healthy leadership culture and to ensure psychological safety and confidence for all – and to identify and address any issues such as stress and burnout, presenteeism, personal problems and interpersonal dynamics and other forms of blocking and dysfunction, which disrupt the effective operation of your Leadership and Board.
As a Consultant Psychologist and Coach, Annabel uses specialist approaches and tools to facilitate a really open and collaborative engagement with clients. This enables them to develop greater resilience and effectiveness in everything they do.

Peter Fennah
Executive Coach & Occupational Psychologist
BA Psychology, MBA Org. Psyc, Chartered Psychologist (BPS), Occupational Psychologist (HCPC), Associate Fellow (AFBPS), Accredited APECS Executive Coach
An Accredited Executive Coach and Chartered Occupational Psychologist with two decades of 1:1, team and group coaching / facilitation experience.
Peter specialises in all things transition in any form and the supervision of coaches engaged in this domain.
An active supporter of the UK career coaching industry, Peter is a former Co-Chair of the Association of Career Professionals International ACPi UK, Executive Member of Career Professional Alliance (representing 7,500 members in the UK reporting to the UK Government) and Founding Director of the Career Development Institute. Peter is a member of the Associate Faculty at: Ashridge, Cass, Cranfield, Durham, Lancaster, London, Said and Warwick Business Schools.
Peter has coached individuals in the business, FE and public sectors world for 20 years – from a wide range of roles and businesses, e.g. Corporate Execs (ARUP, Eaton Group, UN, LBS, NATO). And lectured on leadership and career development at nine leading global business schools and taught over 7,000 managers.
Prior to this, Peter was Director of Careers at Cranfield School of Management and in his early career, a disability occupational psychologist working with employers and individuals to attain and sustain employment.
A father of two children under four years – and open to all forms of parental advice!

Stephanie MacKellar
Coaching & Supervision
B.Sc, Psychology, M.Sc. Occupational Psychology, Chartered Psychologist (BPS)
A highly experienced Executive Coach and qualified Business Psychologist. Over the last 20 years, Steph has coached a wide range of individuals from senior leaders in corporate life to Head Teachers in challenging London schools. She provides coaching and business psychology consultancy to enable leaders, teams and organisations to grow and develop effectively.
She is known for her ability to support leaders non-judgmentally with skill, humour, kindness and pragmatism, so they can grow and add real value to their business.
At 20, Steph was a professional dancer; at 30 she was running major events for a media group and by her 40’s had become a Business Psychologist, running her own business. Steph is also the mother of two grown up sons.
She has worked with people from a wide variety of organisations in the private and public sector including, The Civil Service, NHS and the Education Sector as well as for Glaxo Smith Kline, BT, BP, Merrill Lynch, Allsop.

Dr Jay Roseveare
Coaching & Leadership / Senior psychometric assessment supervisor
MA Law, BSc Psychology, MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology, Professional Doctorate Occupational and Organisational Psychology (with a focus on Leadership), Associate Fellow (AFBPS), Specialist in Test Use: Occupational (BPS), Registered Coaching Psychologist (BPS)
Jay has been a practising business psychology consultant across three decades, specialising in personal and career development coaching and occupational assessment. His Doctorate provides professional insight into coaching, understanding and managing the “loneliness of leadership”. Jay has been a Director and leader in several businesses and has experience in the armed forces; he has provided critical incident debriefing and short term therapy for high stress situations. He has provided support to Apana business clients for many years.

Karen Walsh
Coaching & Teams
BPS Chartered Psychologist (organisations), accredited with European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) as Senior Practitioner Coach, member of ODN Europe
An experienced and qualified coach with 20 years’ experience Karen supports leaders, teams and organisations to thrive and perform at their best.
Karen has 13 years’ experience in the public sector, in senior operational management, leadership development and organisation development roles. Her early career was in IT as a computer programmer and part scuba diving instructor.
As a leadership and team coach, Karen blends lived experiences of working in complex organisations and knowledge in organisational psychology and to get quickly to the heart of the complexities of organisational life in service of supporting leaders and teams in taking thriving and high performing to the next level.
Karen’s coaching creates spaces for clients to think at a deeper level, to connect with what’s important, to see more of the bigger picture, see a situation from other perspectives, and to gain new insights into themselves and others. Which leads to increased energy, resolving issues and to progress.
Coaching topics which Karen has recently supported clients with include career progression, transitioning to more senior leadership roles, returning to work following long term sick leave, managing pressure and stress, managing anger/frustrations, developing their leadership style in order to have more impact. Karen has supported teams in dealing with tensions/conflict, refreshing business objectives and in establishing as teams..
Outside work Karen enjoys long distance walking, cold water swimming and Lindy Hop dancing.

Zaneta Arthur-Asgill
Management & Inclusion Consultant
MSc. Primary Healthcare Policy & Management, Post Graduate level Certificate – Procurement & Commissioning of Public Healthcare
Zaneta is based in the US (California) and the UK and has 25 years of senior management expertise, mostly within the (UK) health sector. Other experience has been with the Metropolitan Police Service (Civil staff), Tesco and Boots in the UK. Her international involvements include Ghana, where she engages in charity work and workforce training and development. She organises & leads interactive multi-professional seminars, workshops and accredited CPD lectures.
Her hands-on management roles have included leading and participating in the procurement and commissioning of services, post award mobilisation and subsequent contract management.
Zaneta has significant lived experience across the regions of the UK and internationally. As a black female leader and senior manager, she is skilled at navigating organisations, career and leadership challenges and she brings this significant experience and perspective to the Apana team and its clients. She supports and follows various African Diaspora Return and Black Business Support initiatives e.g. ABLE, ADDI & the Silicon valley Executive Center Black Corporate Readiness Program in the US. She contributes to the promotion of inclusive leadership practices as an advisor to Apana and supports Linda Doe, MD of Apana, in her role as Ambassador for Inclusion for the Institute of Directors, UK.
Zaneta is currently registered as a qualified Dental Nurse – a qualification she gained in order to inform her management consultancy role to dentists in the UK and Ghana. This is a measure of her thoroughness and commitment to assignments. She is currently engaged in formal coaching training to consolidate her hands-on expertise in this area and will take on a coaching role for Apana as she progresses.
I worked with Linda on personal development and team development – small and large. Lesson: there is never the easy answer you thought. Linda forces you to think through the overall strategy; forces you to look at matters in a different way. But, in the end, you realise all very worthwhile and necessary. Totally sincere and trustworthy…and a nice person to deal with.
Managing Director, International Shipping Brokers.
Our Accreditations